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Interesting Facts about New York City

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Interesting Facts about New York City Empty Interesting Facts about New York City

Post by ANDY Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:21 pm

Almost 8 million people live in New York City. That means 1 in every 38 people in the United States call the city home.
The United Nations headquarters was established in NYCity in 1952 after World War II.
New York City became the first capital of the USA in 1789.
Times Square is named after the NY Times. It was originally called Longacre Square until the Times moved there in 1904.

These are some interesting facts abut NYC. What do you say about NYC?

Go and enjoy new york broadway vacation packages.

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Interesting Facts about New York City Empty Re: Interesting Facts about New York City

Post by Kimberly John Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:42 pm

I am very thankful to you. Because you will share with me the history of New York. After reading this I have decided I will enjoy the nightlife of this city. Because this city is famous for its nightlife and attractions. So, Do you have any opinion about my trip? If yes, must share with me.

Kimberly John
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