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New York city

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New York city  Empty New York city

Post by Henry D Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:52 am

New York is a great destination for those who love to make good moments with friends. I just had been there recently and would like to know what do you all will say about this place?

Any idea about bus tour to niagara falls from new york?
Henry D
Henry D
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New York city  Empty Re: New York city

Post by jesse123 Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:33 am

New York is pone of the most visited destination and I also have explored New York so many times. I always had a great time there and have lots of memroeis of being there. Let me know which places you like most for explroing there?


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New York city  Empty Re: New York city

Post by Marcelona321 Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:47 pm

New York city is a perfect city having so much fun around USA as well as around the world. I also spent a really good time there so I would like to share here the names of some most popular places which are my favourite like:

Statue of Liberty National Monument
Central Park
Coney Island
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Brooklyn Bridge


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