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Suggest me any romantic movie,

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Suggest me any romantic movie, Empty Suggest me any romantic movie,

Post by Kimberly John Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:51 am

Guys, I have decided to enjoy movie with my lover. But I have no idea in these days which romantic movie is best for me. So, Suggest me any movie? I am waiting for your reply.

Would you like to enjoy tours to niagara falls from nyc?

Kimberly John
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Suggest me any romantic movie, Empty Re: Suggest me any romantic movie,

Post by Haanday Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:58 pm

“I’m Your Man” - A thought-provoking concept brought to humorous life by a pair of well-matched leads. I am sure you guys will enjoy this movie. Enjoy your movie date!

As for the tours to Niagara Falls from NYC, they are a great choice offering amazing experiences. Have fun!!
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Suggest me any romantic movie, Empty Re: Suggest me any romantic movie,

Post by Henry D Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:50 am

"Love at First Sight" will also be a very good option for her I am sure. If you have watched “I’m Your Man” ten try the new one that I have suggested to you.

By the way, Handay have you watched "Love at First Sight"
Henry D
Henry D
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Suggest me any romantic movie, Empty Re: Suggest me any romantic movie,

Post by Kimberly John Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:54 am

Well, I really like your suggestions and wanna tell you that have watched Love at First Sight and that was a good movie. If will talk about "I am your man" would be a new one for me. I never enjoyed this and wanna know about its upcoming dates in cinemas.

Kimberly John
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Suggest me any romantic movie, Empty Re: Suggest me any romantic movie,

Post by Haanday Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:04 pm

Henry D wrote:"Love at First Sight" will also be a very good option for her I am sure. If you have watched “I’m Your Man”  ten try the new one that I have suggested to you.

By the way, Handay have you watched "Love at First Sight"

yeah i did, it is a fantastic movie to watch for couples.
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Suggest me any romantic movie, Empty Re: Suggest me any romantic movie,

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