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shopping places

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shopping places  Empty shopping places

Post by Henry D Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:57 pm

The Shops at Atlas Park
The Meatball Shop
Katz's Delicatessen
Canal Street Market
Soho mall
Seaport District NYC

Travelers yo should go to these shopping malls and have a very good time in your travel time.

Soon will enjoy grand canyons tours again.
Henry D
Henry D
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shopping places  Empty Re: shopping places

Post by Marcelona321 Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:54 pm

I  have a good experience of Canal Street Market because I have been there several times in my whole life to enjoy my shopping and always spent really amazing time with my buddies. Millions of tourists love to go there due to its best services and its atmosphere is very pleasant and cool. If you are shopping lover then I will suggest you must to be there at least once.


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