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How you can make yourself perfect?

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How you can make yourself perfect? Empty How you can make yourself perfect?

Post by ANDY Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:29 pm

In this world, no one can say that he or she is a perfect person. All people need to do something for making itself perfect. So there are some points if you try to work out on these points then you can make yourself perfect.
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How you can make yourself perfect? Empty Re: How you can make yourself perfect?

Post by Haley Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:13 pm

ANDY! I will like to say that you have shared enough informative and interesting stuff with all of us. You are absolutely right that there is nobody a perfect person in the world. Anyhow, keep it up for this great sharing.
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How you can make yourself perfect? Empty Re: How you can make yourself perfect?

Post by Alaya Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:11 am

ANDY, Let me say this is seriously a great sharing form your side. I think if a person will build up all of these characteristics in his/her personality than he/she will be seriously an ideal and best person. I will also love to spot these things and hopefully will be a more perfect person.

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How you can make yourself perfect? Empty Re: How you can make yourself perfect?

Post by ANDY Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:59 pm

I am really happy after reading both members' views regarding my shared stuff. It is an honor for me both of you like it and says that it will prove useful for all. Yeah, no one is perfect in this world but through doing these things, we can make yourself better.

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