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How I can make ice cream at home

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How I can make ice cream at home Empty How I can make ice cream at home

Post by ANDY Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:46 pm

My younger sister really likes ice cream and want to make ice cream for her with my hand on her birthday. But I have no idea how I can make ice cream at home. SO if the members of this community come to know about this then must share here. I will wait for your quick and informative replies.

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How I can make ice cream at home Empty Re: How I can make ice cream at home

Post by Alaya Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:36 am

Andy, I will say that Ice cream is really easy to make at home. I also love cooking and I have made ice cream a few days back. I will share a link with you from where you can get all details about Ice cream making process. The link is:

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How I can make ice cream at home Empty Re: How I can make ice cream at home

Post by ZAC Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:58 am

This is not a big deal if you want to make Ice cream at home. Here I am going to share a video which would be useful for you. So watch this and make ice cream for her at home.

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How I can make ice cream at home Empty Re: How I can make ice cream at home

Post by ANDY Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:43 pm

Well, both of you have shared such a nice stuff regarding the ice cream making. I am sure your shared link and video will prove useful to me and I will make ice cream for my sister easily at home.

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How I can make ice cream at home Empty Re: How I can make ice cream at home

Post by Robin12 Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:14 am

Would like to appreciate both of your efforts. Must say that you have shared here nice sort of the detail which could be helping me too and ANDY. Will try to make ice cream in my home as in free days for having fun with friends.

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